Actual Final Midterm Images
Above: Maya Render
Table cross bars, vase stand, and ball on the right corner of the table are not rendering correctly, and the rug did not render at all. The blue and white vase and the marble countertop look much better though.
Above: Screenshot from Render View (It wouldn't save)
I tried exporting the vase stand as a .obj file and reloading it. Instead of fixing it, it still rendered incorrectly but this time in a different way. The rug has still not appeared.
Above: Screenshot from Render View
My scene actually rendered like this at one point so I refreshed the render and it went back to normal but there have been a lot of weird things going on with this file.
Above: Screenshot from Camera 1 (Model View with Textures)
I'm not sure why it is still so dark in the modeling view.
Below: Stylized Renders
Note: I worked really hard on the realistic render and I'm not sure what happened. For the first two weeks, it was all going fine. I had a great time modeling this scene. When I started adding the textures in, the file got corrupted, and I went back to a previous version of the file.
From there, I encountered dozens of issues including the files not loading, the file loading but appearing blank (as if it was a brand new opened file), objects rendering incorrectly or not at all, and disappearing tool shelves (I took screen shots of this and posted them to my blog under Maya issues).
I would really like to trouble shoot this at some point because I have honestly enjoyed the process despite the setbacks. Here is everything I have at this point.
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